Author: Laura Elizabeth


It’s long overdue, but I’m finally working on the redesign for one of my other products, Client Portal. I like it when I get to

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Page builders often get a bad rap. They are often bloated – weighing your website down with heavy, messy code. They contribute to the homogeneity

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This question came in after writing the last article about writing copy for your landing page: “I’m just starting my business and am trying to

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In part 1 of this series we went through the research phase of writing content. By now, you should have a good idea about what

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The most important part of the design process is the content. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. You can have a website

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Back when I first started designing, I didn’t really care too much about the content. I would never admit that to anybody because I knew

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It’s common knowledge that if you want to get better at something, you need to practice. “Practice makes perfect” is what we’re told whether we’re

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“I don’t think that I’m capable of delivering beautiful design. I’ve got an idea in my head, but it basically stays there because I don’t

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Designing without inspiration is hard. Setting aside dedicated time at the start of a project to indulge in website design inspiration is both useful and,

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When I graduated from university I did what most graduates do: I went in search of a job. At that time, all I could get

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In January 2018, I pre sold Design Academy’s first course: Design Fundamentals. Up until now, every bit of content I’ve produced has been totally free.

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Too many designers guess their way through typography. Books and articles from all over are guilty of presenting typography in an overly arty “you have

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Ah, the design process. From the first day I became a designer, back when I was 17 and taking my first graphic design class, I’ve

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I’ve never been a fan of colour theory. I think it’s because I’ve always been a bit hopeless at it. I’d love to be able

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Recently I was on a chat with Marissa Louie from Portola Plush. Marissa has a strong background in design boasting clients such as Apple and

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If you’ve ever designed any kind of app you will have undoubtedly come across the Dashboard. Popular on Dribbble, usually accompanied by lots of nice

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Just wanted to let you know. This is so friggin’ awesome. A perfect way to learn on my part.

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