Welcome to the 7-day UI challenge. I'm thrilled you're joining me in spending 1 hour a day, for 7 days to drastically improve your design chops.
How It Works
Each day I'll provide you with one UI element to design. I’ll give you all the copy, and even some imagery you can use. You just need to spend up to one hour creating something from it.
Everyone will be sharing their progress in our Slack channel so if you haven't joined yet, make sure you do as that's where all the action will be. You can access our Slack channel here: designacademyio.slack.com
The Rules
This challenge is pretty relaxed. Yes, you'll learn some stuff but it should also be FUN! That said, there are a few rules to help you get the most out of it:
* Minimum of one design per day, but extra concepts are encouraged!
* Each design must use a different colour scheme and different fonts
* You can edit or manipulate the content as long as the main messaging isn’t lost
* You can add new content or remove anything you feel is unnecessary
* You can design for a desktop, tablet, mobile, or a mixture
* You can use the images provided, create your own, or a mix of both!
That's it! I'm looking forward to doing this challenge with you and seeing what you come up with :-)